My loves.
My friends.
Beautiful souls.
Divine humans.
I am on a mission to reclaim our sexual vitality and innocence.
To make love to our own bodies exactly as we are and to take possession of our birthright:
True power, divinity, and humanness.
To prove how vast our capacity is to experience peace, ecstasy and bliss.
To welcome a lush and infinite fountain of wealth and abundance.
To expand beyond our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories and dreams.
To be raw and real and vulnerably feel and face the pain and glory of being alive.
To celebrate the unknown and welcome the mystery of the abyss.
To own our darkness and our light.
To know that all separation is illusion and absolute choice exists.
To wield the original creational code of this cosmos:
A new project.
Change is in the air, land and sea.
In the river of stars above, in the fertile earth below our feet, in the center of my heart.
There is a monumental shift in my mission and direction and I invite you to
Come: Join me.
Some of you know me from my jewelry work.
Some of you know me from my healing, coaching and mentoring work.
And some of you here and who I am yet to meet know me for my speaking, writing and art work.
To me, these are all forms of art: Sculptural arts. Healing arts. Visual arts. Performing arts. Spiritual arts.
A fierce fusion of all of these art forms is arising in my being.
Join me in this Vulnerable. Nuanced. Glorious. Tender. Exciting new adventure.
I have finished with millennia of hiding and playing small.
I am done settling with mediocrity and giving fucks about others’ opinions.
Let’s make all the mistakes!
Let’s eat all the cake!
Let’s play!
Join me. Support me. Create new worlds with me!